We do web hosting, i.e putting up your websites or running your mail boxes and so much more. We currently have 400+ users including small one man bands, family email and sole traders who travel the world and cooperates who need the ability to collaborate with colleagues in offices a multiple countries. We are more than happy to do mail for families and for clubs/ organisations forums and blogs as well, infact there are probably most of the services you would ever need.
Our Customers won’t find a better opportunity to host their website at competitive prices on fast and reliable servers. We will ensure that your website gets the treatment it needs in order to keep it running whenever possible and provide a service that will leave you wondering how you ever did without Wessex Hosting. Our web hosting services are completely secure so you can rest assured that all your data and information is safe and we have UK-based servers and support, meaning our friendly team are easy to reach should you have any issues or questions. We can also offer other services such as email hosting using our HengeMail.co.uk service and full anti-spam and anti-virus filtering to make sure that no unwanted content reaches you.
We are a friendly bunch so why not contact us and see what we can do for you. Wessex Hosting’s web hosting solutions provide you with a comprehensive and professional service that makes web hosting affordable and easy, allowing you to focus on other things, safe in the knowledge that your web hosting is in competent hands.